Information for Patients and Visitors

Families and caregivers are an important part of the health care team. Please take a moment to learn more about what you should know before coming to AGH.

Wi-Fi is available to patients and visitors. Waiting rooms are equipped with instructions about how to log on and access our free Wi-Fi.

AGH believes that its employees deserve a safe working environment. Aggressive behavior and/or coarse language will not be tolerated.


Latex balloons can cause allergic reactions in some people. To minimize unnecessary exposure and to safeguard the health and safety of staff, patients and visitors, we ask that no latex balloons be brought onto the premises.

Bank Machine

A bank machine is located on the second floor just outside the Medical Surgical Unit in the link towards the cafeteria. A bill changer machine is also available at this location.

Beauty Salon

Cathy’s Beauty Salon is located in Fairview Manor. Call 613-256-2500 extension 2911.


The Cafeteria is located in the Link between the Hospital and Fairview Manor. It serves meals and snacks to staff and visitors and is open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am until 1:30 pm. The Cafeteria accepts cash and debit payments.

Almonte General Hospital and Fairview Manor are pleased to be part of the Champlain Healthy Foods in Hospitals program, offering healthy food and beverage choices.

Compliments and Complaints

Every member of our team strives to provide safe, high quality care to the patients, residents and families we serve. Please share your experiences and feedback with us. We want to know about what we have done well and how we can do better. Your suggestions will help us to improve.

 We want to address any concerns you have in a timely way. If you feel you have a problem or are concerned about your care, please follow these steps:

  • Talk to your nurse, physician or midwife. If you are still not satisfied, or they are not available, ask to see the Unit Manager.
  • In other areas of the hospital or Fairview Manor, you may talk to the staff in that department. If no one can assist you, ask to see the Supervisor.
  • If you still have questions or concerns, or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Patient and Resident Relations Delegate at extension 2505.

By Email:

Please send an email attention to the Patient and Resident Relations Delegate at agh.info@mrha.ca If you would like to be contacted, please include your name and contact information.

By mail:

Please send your comments to:

Patient Relations Delegate
Almonte General Hospital
75 Spring Street
Almonte, ON K0A 1A0

Resident Relations Delegate
Fairview Manor
75 Spring Street
Almonte, ON K0A 1A0

If you feel your complaint is not resolved at AGH, you may also contact Ontario's Patient Ombudsman's office at 1-888-321-0339. For more information, visit www.patientombudsman.ca or download a brochure.  

If you feel your complaint is not resolved at FVM, you may also contact the Ministry of  Long-Term Care at 1-866-434-0144. 

Thank you for your input.


There are three elevators at Almonte General Hospital:

  • The elevator in the main lobby will bring you to the Complex Continuing Care Unit (Rosamond).

  • The elevator in the Administration hallway will bring you to the 2nd Floor if you need to go to the Obstetrical Unit or Medical Surgical Unit to visit a patient

  • The elevator located on the second floor in the Link before you reach the cafeteria will bring you down to the first floor behind the Laundry Room

  • Elevators must not be used when there is a fire or a fire drill.

Gift Shop

The Almonte General Hospital Gift Shop is located in the lobby of the main entrance to the Hospital. It is open Monday to Friday excluding holidays and is operated by a dedicated group of volunteers. Patients, staff and the public can shop for a wide variety of items including gifts, purses and wallets, jewellery, greeting cards, personal care items and healthy snacks along with coffee, tea and hot chocolate.

The Gift Shop also carries a large assortment of baby items – sleepers and baby outfits, blankets, booties, hats, mitts, baby toys, stuffed animals and assorted gift baskets plus many beautiful and unique handmade items donated by local residents.

Proceeds from the Gift Shop benefit a wide range of programs at the Hospital.  The Gift Shop accepts cash and debit card payment.

You can visit the Gift Shop website at almontehospitalfoundation.com/category/gifts/ or the Facebook page.

If you have any questions about our gift shop, or if you would like to volunteer at the Almonte General Hospital Gift Shop, please contact us at extension 2226, or email agh.volunteers@mrha.ca

Information Desk

Staffed by volunteers, the Information Desk is located in the main lobby of the hospital and provides visitors with information, offers directions to the various services within the hospital and encourages proper hand hygiene when entering and exiting the hospital. Hours vary depending on availability of volunteers.

No Scents Make Good Sense

Due to increased allergies among the public, patients, and staff, our hospital has adopted a No Scent Policy. Please refrain from wearing or bringing any scented products such as perfumes, aftershaves, hair sprays, hand lotions, baby lotion, and deodorant.

Flowers are a welcome addition to all patient rooms. However, you may be asked to send flowers home if you or any patient in the area suffers from allergies. If you are sending flowers to a patient, consult with the florist to choose a scent-free variety. Please note that our Hospital does not routinely provide vases for cut flowers.


Patient and visitors coming to Almonte General Hospital or Fairview Manor may use the main parking lot located on the south side of the hospital. There are two large parking lots and currently there is no cost.  Paid parking will be implemented in the near future. Several designated accessible parking spots are available for individuals with accessibility permits. There is also a pickup and drop off zone at the main door and Emergency door entrances.   

Fire lanes are marked and are not intended for normal vehicle traffic as this is a direct route to provide access for fire and other emergency vehicles.  We ask that you not park in them or in front of the ambulance entrance.

Please ensure that your vehicle is locked and valuable items properly secured. The Hospital is not responsible for theft or any damage incurred on the premises.


The use of cellular phones is strongly discouraged and cannot be used in patient rooms or treatment rooms such as Emergency Department, Operating Room, Diagnostic Imaging and Clinic Rooms.

You may use cell phones and laptops in public areas of the hospital such as hallways, waiting rooms and the cafeteria.  To help limit disruption to both patients and staff, please set wireless devices to “quiet” or “vibrate” and maintain a moderate speaking volume.  Public wifi is available and information is posted in waiting room areas.

To preserve patient confidentiality, cell phones and other wireless communication devices may not be used to photograph, take video images or record the conversations of any patient, physician, volunteer or staff member without appropriate signed consent. For more information, contact the Chief Privacy Officer at extension 2240.

Public pay telephones are located in the main lobby by the Physiotherapy entrance and on the second floor in the hallway between the Obstetrical Unit and the Complex Continuing Care Unit.

A courtesy phone is located in the Emergency Room and in the main lobby of the hospital at the Information Desk. This phone can be used to connect you to the switchboard to assist with locating patient rooms or to the Recovery Room to inquire about a patient in surgery. Instructions are provided by the phone on the Information Desk.

Public Washrooms

Washrooms in patient rooms are for patient use only. Public washrooms, including wheelchair accessible washrooms, are located throughout the Hospital and Fairview Manor:

  • Main Lobby of Hospital between the Day Hospital and Physiotherapy

  • Second Floor of Hospital directly across from the Elevator

  • Main Floor of Fairview Manor beside Cathy’s Hair Salon


In keeping with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, there is no smoking or vaping anywhere on the Almonte General Hospital grounds, including the parking lot. Municipal by-law enforcement officers may, in accordance with the legislation, fine anyone they find contravening the law.


The following taxi service is available in Almonte:
  • Don’s Taxi - 613-253-6456

  • County Cab - 613-253-7777

  • Bud’s Taxi - 613-257-5911

Vending Machines

Machines with soft drinks, juice and water are available in the Emergency Room and Second Floor hallway in the “Link”.

Visiting Hours

 Learn more about AGH's visitor guidelines.

Learn more about Fairview Manor's visitor guidelines.

Family and friends can send virtual cards through our website.

Obstetrics patients may bring one support person when they come to the Hospital. That person will be the only visitor allowed for the duration of the patient’s stay in the Hospital (i.e. before and after the baby’s birth).

When you are in the hospital do not be shy about telling visitors to stay home if they are not feeling well. It has been identified that human hands easily transmit germs. Visitors should not use the washrooms in patient rooms.