Obstetrical Unit

At Almonte General Hospital, our experienced team cares for expectant parents and their families in a warm and supportive environment. 

Our team includes Obstetricians, Family Physicians, Midwives, specially trained Nurses and Anaesthetists who work together.

Our unit has two labour and delivery rooms with showers, five postpartum rooms with their own washroom and shower, and an operating room on the unit for cesarean sections.  Ultrasound services are available on site. A full range of pain management options are available, including 24-hour epidural service.

With a commitment to high quality care close to home, we have the distinction of being Ontario’s top performer in Maternity care.

Meet Our Team


Almonte General Hospital has three Obstetricians.

The obstetrical team works together on call. Drs. Awwad, Fadare and Matei provide a full range of obstetrical services in the Ottawa Valley, including appropriately selected high-risk patients. This may include selected Matei offer external cephalic version (ECV) for persistent breech presentations, to help avoid a cesarean section. Elective repeat cesarean sections are available at AGH.

Any pregnancy felt to be to be at a higher risk than is appropriate for AGH may be referred to another hospital, usually to colleagues at The Ottawa Hospital.

  • Dr. Bahaa Awwad, MD, FRCSC , Chief of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - 613-256-8800
  • Dr. Kayode Fadare, MD, FRCSC - 613-256-3950
  • Dr. Anca Matei, MD FRCSC - 613-256-8598

Ottawa Valley Family Medicine Obstetrics Team

Almonte General Hospital have a Family Medicine Obstetrics Team with five family physicians with additional expertise in obstetrics and newborn care.  The team accepts referrals to care for low risk pregnancies prenatally and follows patients through birth and post-partum.

More information can be found at ottawavalleyfmob.ca.  People seeking care can self refer by calling 613-256-9370.  Referrals can be faxed to 613-256-0949.

  • Dr. Sylvia Almeida
  • Dr. Melanie Fortune
  • Dr. Laurel Kedrosky, Lead Physician for Family Medicine Obstetrics
  • Dr. Julie Stewardson
  • Dr. Amy Toderian - on leave

Ottawa Valley Midwives

Ottawa Valley Midwives provide care to healthy low-risk women and their families throughout pregnancy, child birth and the immediate postpartum period. You can access midwifery care with the Ottawa Valley Midwives clinic if you live in West Ottawa, Lanark County, parts of Renfrew County and parts of Leeds-North Grenville County.

For more information call 613-253-3148 or visit the Ottawa Valley Midwives website.

About Our Program

Model of Care

  • Provided by a range of health care professionals – physicians, midwives and nurses
  • A flexible approach to meet the needs of expectant mothers and their families
  • Rooming in for mothers and babies

Hospital Tours

Tours are available to familiarize you with the Obstetrics Unit. Please call 613-256-2500 extension 2233 before you come to be sure the unit is able to accommodate a tour.

Prenatal Classes

Our Local Public Health Units offer prenatal classes, either virtually or in person.

To get more information about prenatal classes available within Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit please visit Prenatal Education - Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit or call the Health unit at 1-800-660-5853.

Ottawa Public Health- Prenatal Services - Parenting in Ottawa

Renfrew County and District Health Unit- Prenatal Education | Renfrew County and District Health Unit (rcdhu.com) 

Coming to the Hospital


Please call the Obstetrics Unit at 613-256-2500 extension 2233 before you come to the Hospital. Please enter at the Emergency Entrance and register at the Reception Desk. All entrances to the Hospital are locked during night-time hours. During these hours, please ring the buzzer at the Emergency Entrance.  Obstetrics patients may have up to two people to support them during labour and delivery, and one support person for the remainder of the hospital stay. Visitors are welcome only after the patient has completed their labour and delivery and must adhere to hospital visitor guidelines

Please have the following information available:

  • Your provincial health care card
  • Any hospital insurance coverage you may have (semi-private or private coverage)

What to Expect During your Stay

On the Obstetrics Unit, an initial assessment will be done when you arrive. It may include blood pressure, temperature, pulse, urine test, monitoring of the fetal heart rate and potentially a vaginal examination. Your care provider will then be notified regarding your progress.

If you are not in active labour, your doctor may advise you to return home until labour begins. If you are in active labour, you will stay on the Obstetrics Unit until your baby is born. You will be moved into one of our postpartum rooms following the delivery.

We encourage your partner to remain with you for the birth however, to minimize risk to patients and residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, Obstetrics patients may only bring one support person when they come to the Hospital. That person will be the only visitor allowed for the duration of the patient’s stay in the Hospital (i.e. before and after the baby’s birth). We will support and assist both of you during the birthing process. Your progress will be monitored carefully throughout your labour.

Our team is here to ensure a safe delivery for you and your baby.

What to bring with you

To help you prepare for your stay, here is a list of some of the more common things you can bring with you to help make you stay more comfortable.

Things you might need during labour:

  • Slippers/socks, and other comfortable clothing
  • Toiletries: lip balm, tissues, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc.
  • Back rub lotion; back massager
  • Hot/cold pack
  • Stress ball
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Earphones and handheld music player, personal electronics (iPad, Tablet, etc.)
  • Pen and paper
  • Camera/camcorder/phone charger
  • Snacks

Things your partner or support person will need:

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Snacks
  • Pillow and sleeping bag if staying overnight
  • Toiletries, toothbrush and toothpaste

Things you will need after the baby is born:

  • Nipple ointment
  • Personal hygiene products (super/absorbency) 2 dozen/disposable briefs
  • Housecoat/slippers, 2 nightgowns or pajamas / XL underwear
  • Nursing bra
  • Toiletries: toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.
  • Watch
  • Clothing to wear home (loose & comfortable)
  • Camera/camcorder/phone charger

Things you will need for baby:

  • Newborn diapers (2 dozen)
  • Baby wipes
  • Sleepers
  • Undershirt or onesies, sweater and hat
  • Blankets
  • Socks or booties
  • CSA approved Infant car seat with instructions (will need this to bring baby home)
  • Pen to fill out forms

Safety and Security for Newborns

When a baby is born at Almonte General Hospital, mother and newborn each receive a hospital bracelet with matching identification numbers unique to them. This allows healthcare providers to properly identify mom and baby.

Almonte General Hospital has an additional level of security with the Hugs® Infant Security System. This system provides comprehensive protection to newborns by adding a tamper-proof bracelet to the newborn’s ankle. If a baby is moved to an unauthorized zone, an alarm sounds and the system activates all exit doors in the unit to a lock down, keeping newborns safe and secure on the obstetrical unit. The tag is removed when mom and baby are discharged.


Circumcision is a non-therapeutic procedure, which means it is not medically necessary. Parents who decide to circumcise their newborns often do so for religious, social or cultural reasons. After reviewing the scientific evidence for and against circumcision, the Canadian Pediatric Society does not recommend routine circumcision. Please visit the CPS site for more information.

Circumcision might not be an option if certain blood-clotting disorders are present or if the baby has a malformation of the penis or urinary tract. In addition, it might not be appropriate for premature babies or those who still require medical care in a hospital nursery.

This procedure is not offered as a service on the Obstetrics unit but is offered locally at the Ottawa Valley Family Health Team. For more information please contact the Ottawa Valley Family Health Team.

Birth Certificates

The birth of your child must be registered using the Service Ontario website within one month of birth. A fee will apply if you are purchasing a birth certificate. When indicating the Hospital's address please use Mississippi Mills as its location.

You also have the option to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) card for your baby and sign up for Canada Child benefits, and open a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).

For more information or to register your baby, please visit Service Ontario.

New Parent Information