
Volunteers are an integral part of the AGH and CPDMH teams.  In fact, we couldn't provide care without them! Community members are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at AGH and or CPDMH. Volunteering offers an opportunity to give back to your local hospital while developing new skills and friendships at the same time. Thank you for your interest!

Volunteer at AGH

To learn more about volunteering at AGH, please contact:

Volunteer Services at 613-256-2514, ext. 2226 or email agh.volunteers@mrha.ca

For Fairview Manor, contact 613-256-3113, extension 229 

Volunteer at CPDMH

To learn more about volunteering at CPDMH, please contact:

Volunteer Services at 613-253-3827 or email cpdmh.volunteers@mrha.ca 

Patient Family Advisory Committee

Have you, a family member or friend had a recent experience with the Almonte hospital? Was it a favourable experience? Or, was it not so great? Either way would you like to improve how the hospital operates? If interested, please continue reading.

The hospital has a committee composed of volunteers who have had experiences, good and bad, with the hospital over the last three years. These folks work together to ensure patients and their families’ views are heard and incorporated in the hospital operations.

This committee is called the Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC). It was established in 2015. It is evolving to be a diverse committee which represents our community. It meets a minimum of five times a year.

The heart of patient care is under the umbrella of patient and family-centred care with a focus on patients, their families and caregivers. PFAC serves in an advisory capacity, providing input to, and making recommendations on, matters that impact the experience of patients and their families. With a formal and structured partnership between PFAC and management, the hospitals will be able to better identify and integrate the patients’ perspectives into its planning, development of services and quality improvement activities.

How to become a PFAC member?

PFAC is currently recruiting members who represent the diverse cultures and needs of our community.

To learn more or become a potential PFAC member, please review the following attachments. If you would like more details please email pfac@mrha.ca

Download the Expression of Interest

Download the PFAC Brochure

Download the PFAC Terms of Reference

Download the PFAC Annual Report 2021-22

Volunteering at AGH

Volunteers have an opportunity to assist in the following departments of the organization - Physiotherapy, Day Hospital, Health Records, Complex Continuing Care (Rosamond Unit), Medical Surgical and Obstetrical, Fairview Manor, Hairdressing, the Hospital Gift Shop and Fairview Manor Tuck Shop.

Volunteer duties vary from department to department and include greeting patients, disinfecting and replacing equipment used in Physiotherapy, delivering water to patients’ bedsides, working in the Hospital Gift Shop or Fairview Manor Tuck Shop, performing clerical duties and helping Day Hospital patients with their therapies.

In the Complex Continuing Care Unit and Fairview Manor, volunteers assist the Recreation Therapists with activities such as, Musical Afternoons, Birthday Parties, Pub Nights, Exercises, Bingos, Spa activities, Special Breakfasts & BBQ’s.

If you have a special craft or skill, such as gardening, knitting or art we welcome you to share your knowledge with our residents/patients. If you play a musical instrument, you can entertain the residents/patients. If you are affiliated with a church group, you may wish to provide pastoral care to residents/patients of similar faith. You may also wish to engage in positive social interaction with residents/patients to brighten their day by reading or writing letters or just chatting over a cup of tea.

We have two working Volunteer Groups within our Organization; the Volunteer Services Committee & the Fairview Manor Auxiliary. The VSC volunteers are closely associated with the hospital and provide support where needed. The Fairview Manor Auxiliary volunteers support the recreational activities of Fairview Manor and organize fundraising initiatives to support all the Residents of the Manor. Both the VSC and FVM Auxiliary collaborate to support the Junior Volunteer Program as well as providing an Annual Bursary to a deserving Student. They also assist with special events within the organization which include purchasing gifts for residents/patients as well as decorating the Hospital and Manor for the Christmas season.

How to Apply
New volunteers are required to go through a screening process, including a Vulnerable Sector Check, health screening for immunization, and completion of an application form. All volunteers are given a complete facility orientation and a position description outlining their roles and responsibilities. When needed a position specific training session will be arranged. Annual training is provided to keep all volunteers up to date on safety and other policies and procedures, as well as offering opportunities for new learning on related topics.

For Almonte General Hospital, contact Volunteer Services at 613-256-2514, ext. 2226 or agh.volunteers@mrha.ca

AGH Junior Volunteers

The Junior Volunteer Program is offered at the Almonte General Hospital and Fairview Manor and provides an incredible opportunity for students to work with health care professionals. The program allows students to gain work experience and accumulate their community service hours by assisting staff in many areas. The patients and residents benefit from their interactions with the younger generation, and vice versa.

The Junior Volunteer Program runs yearly from July to September. Junior Volunteers are students in and around the Almonte area who have graduated from Grade 8 or who are currently in high school.

The volunteers will commit to a minimum of 1 week of volunteering Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Four different job positions are available weekly for the Junior Volunteers to choose from. Students will be able to participate in areas such as Physiotherapy, Day Hospital, Complex Continuing Care Unit (Rosamond), Fairview Manor Recreation, Administration and Volunteer Services. General training is provided to all our students, as well as specific training for individual roles.

Junior volunteers come away from the program with valuable skills, knowledge and experiences that can be transferred to future endeavors on their journey through life. Students will leave with an appreciation for those in the health care system and a sense of accomplishment. On completion of this program, students receive a letter of reference, certificate and a signature on their school forms verifying they have completed hours of community service.

How to Apply:

Open and print a Junior Volunteer application form.

Volunteering at CPDMH

The CPDMH has volunteer opportunities working at the Information Desk at the main entrance of CPDMH.  This position helps patients with wayfinding.

More opportunities are in the works to have volunteers integrated into other areas of the hospital.

Volunteering for the CPDMH Foundation

If you are interested in volunteering for the CPDMH Foundation , please reach out to the CPDMHF Volunteers Coordinator at cpdmhfvolunteerscoordinator@gmail.com

Art in the Manor

AIM (Art in the Manor) collects and displays original artwork in both Fairview Manor and Almonte General Hospital. Original art creates a more home-like atmosphere for residents and patients, as well as for staff, volunteers and visitors.
AIM invites donations of original artwork, original hand pulled prints and photographs, signed limited edition reproductions and photographs, or pieces of unique historical or local interest. Artwork is accepted based on condition of the work and appropriateness for public display in our environment. Donors may be issued an income tax receipt, which will be based on an independent appraisal of the artwork’s value.

For further information or to donate, please contact the AIM committee:

By email: AIM@artinthemanor.ca
By phone: 613-853-1674