Contact a Patient/Resident

Send Well Wishes

Well-Wishes are hand-delivered to patient rooms during normal business hours Monday through Friday.

If the recipient is no longer a patient of the hospital the message will be discarded without delivery. Well-Wishes messages to patients are not confidential. AGH/FVM reserves the right to refuse delivery of any greeting if the message is inappropriate.

To protect patient privacy, we are unable to confirm that a patient is in our hospital and delivery of your Well-Wishes e-card.

Send An E-Card To A Patient

Required fields *
*What site is the patient at?:
* (800 characters remaining)

Please Note: The name entered above will not be displayed on your eCard.
If you would like to include your name, please enter it along with your message in the 'Message' field.

*Select an eCard:
select ecard Alternate text for Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Alternate text for Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day
Alternate text for Get well soon
Get well soon

Alternate text for Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day
Alternate text for Season's Greetings
Season's Greetings
Alternate text for Feel Better
Feel Better

Alternate text for Faith
Alternate text for Thinking of you #1
Thinking of you #1
Alternate text for Thinking of you #2
Thinking of you #2

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